Tuesday, June 29, 2010

On the lighter side...Public Transportation

I want to fully experience the culture and part of that is being able to get into and out of the city by myself. We live about 15 miles from downtown, or a one hour commute using public transportation. The Saturday before the Kurtz's arrived I was making my second solo trip to the city to go grocery shopping. I was going to a different grocery store, conveniently located in the mall, which required going a different way than my first trip. I needed to switch jeepneys in the Matina section of the city. I thought I new were that was. I got off the jeepney, walked around the corner, and their sat another jeepney. I asked if he was going to NCCC and he replied and motioned to me. I couldn't hear what he said, so I repeated my question. I still couldn't hear or maybe understand, his reply but his motion's seemed to indicate that yes, he was going to NCCC. He seemed annoyed that he had to repeat himself. I hopped on board and off we went. Immediately, the road seemed wrong. I knew it was a short ride so I decided if I didn't see the mall soon, I'd get off. Well, no sooner had I decided that when we turned onto a narrow, one lane road. I knew this was not right. The problem was, if I got off, I didn't see any jeepney's going the other way to get back. It was a very poor section and I knew they didn't have white people walk down their street everyday. I figured all jeepney's have a route and it would either turn around or go in a circle. I thought I'd just ride it out. I began to see water on my right. Definitely, I was not going to the mall! When I was the last one left on the jeepney, I asked the lady taking the money if it turned around or went in a circle. She didn't speak English. I pointed to myself and said, "Wrong jeepney. How much?" The driver turned around and said 5 pesos. As I was handing them my money, a jeepney was coming toward us. The driver of the jeepney I was in leaned out the window and said something to the other driver. He looked at me and said, "Matina?" I answered yes. He motioned me to the other jeepney. I thanked him and hopped on board the other jeepney. When we got back to where I had first switched jeepney's, I paid my 5 pesos and got off. I didn't know the minimum payment was 7 pesos. I figured if it was 5 one way it would be 5 to go back. Oops!
I had figured out where I had gone wrong. When I got off the first jeepney I wasn't supposed to go around the corner. I was just supposed to switch jeepney's. I went around the corner to the correct street and there was another jeepney. A man looked at me and asked, "NCCC?" I answered yes and hopped on board! Thank the Lord, I made it safely to the mall. I just refer to my detour as a cheap sightseeing trip, a spot most tourist overlook!
I do much better now, the Kurtz's allowed me to take Emi to the mall. My only concern now is that car rides put me to sleep. Especially, long hot rides. I hope I don't fall asleep some day and find myself in an unknown location! It may be my next adventure!

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